Borrowing and Lending

A popular way to obtain liquidity from NFTs is by using them as collateral for a loans.

NFTfi is a platform that facilitates this: offering borrowers the ability to get liquidity from their NFTs and lenders the ability to earn an attractive yield (and, in the case of default, acquire assets at steep discounts).

Process of Obtaining a Loan through NFTFi

NFTfi is completely decentralized and operates in a trustless, peer-to-peer manner. To obtain a loan:

  1. Borrowers upload their NFTs as collateral on the NFTfi platform

  2. Once listed, the asset appears in the marketplace, allowing anyone on the site to view it

  3. Lenders can make offers with a specific loan amount, duration and interest rate

  4. If a loan is accepted, funds are distributed to the borrower and the NFT is transferred to a smart contract to be held in escrow

  5. Upon repayment of the loan, the borrower will receive his NFT back. If he defaults, the NFT is transferred to the lender (often at a steep discount).

NFTfi currently supports 100 assets and is constantly adding more.

Last updated